Behold Melisa Caprio, an enchantress of many talents - an author, a photographer, a radio host, and most notably, the conjurer of Postcards to the Universe, a mystical movement of manifestation that spans the globe. Through the art of photography, she channels the universe's energies, infusing personal desires and wishes onto postcards, which she then sends out into the cosmos.
Her sorcery extends even further, as she shares her knowledge through workshops on the magic of photography, art, transformation, and manifestation. Drawing from the stars, she guides her clients in crafting unique postcards, empowering their creative intention.
Her bewitching voice echoes through the realms, as she hosts her weekly show, Postcards to the Universe with Melisa on Ethereal TV and her weekly radio show Postcards to the Universe, Creating the Life you Crave on OMTimes Radio, both are a spellbinding journey that delves into the mystical realms of spiritual trailblazers. Her incantations have become a popular podcast, weaving together tales of inspiration and transformation.
Her most recent feature released on Bold Journey in May of 2023. She has
been showcased in Shout Out Miami, ROAR: Fierce Feminine Rising Magazine, Voyage VIA Miami Magazine and Canvas Rebel Meet Melisa Caprio. She has published blogs on Thrive Global.
Caprio has been featured numerous times on podcasts and in the local newspaper The Sun-Sentinel on her work, and also exhibits her photography work on a regular basis in fine art galleries in South Florida. www.melisacaprio.com