From episode: Julie Ann Segal - Change Your Space to Change Your Life - Feng Shui

So for everybody who's tuning in today and is listening, I know what feng shui is, but many people have no idea what it is, what you do or what that even means. So let's start there. What is feng shui? Sure. Well, feng shui comes from China over 4 ,000 years ago. It's a philosophy, not a religion. Some people get mixed up and it's not a religion. It's a philosophy to create balance through the art of placement. So it's working to improve the flow of positive energy in your home or workplace so that space better supports you and your family or, you know, whether your office, you could do it in your office. Sometimes you could do it in any kind of space, but it's a way to just make the energy feel more comfortable and flow and more positive in your space and becoming very mindful of what you're doing in your space.
So, you know, for example, I'm just going to go into one of the big, the main issues I see just the very beginning stages before you start to like put intention into your house is to work with your clutter. You know, a lot of people end up keeping a lot of stuff they don't need and it creates a lot of chaos in our lives when we have too many things around us. And you know, what is clutter? Clutter is things you do not use or love. You want to surround yourself with happy, joyous, positive things. And if you ever look at the objects that you have surrounding you, some of the things have positive things to say. A lot of them have stories that come with them and some of them are not so nice stories. So it's okay to let go of those things. It's better to let go of those things that don't have anything positive to say to you. Also, clutter is things that are untidy or disorganized. So we know that feeling. So have you ever felt it was chaotic in your office and realized internally you felt chaotic too? So that kind of is how that will affect you. And also too many things in too small of a space where you feel cramped. I know people that have too many things and it causes havoc on their bodies and health problems because there's no breathing room and you feel constricted in your life. And also anything unfinished, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
For example, we all have those like knitting projects that are up in our closets that we never and finished we started maybe five years ago. And every time you open that closet, you might just get a little bad feeling and not even be conscious of it. So it's important to decide, okay, I'm going to finish this in the next month or I'm just going to let it go and it's okay to let these things go will actually bring your energy up. Yeah. Well, that's funny that you mentioned that about clutter because I cannot handle clutter at all.
I realized about myself that if my space is cluttered, my brain is cluttered. I can't think I don't function as well. So I keep my space very, very organized. Now I also work with my mom. We have a couple of group homes. We take care of special needs. I do a lot of office work and she is the complete opposite. So when I come into her, when I come into her office, it literally makes me crazy. And it's so funny because my mom has attention deficit disorder. So it's not surprising to me that, you know, cause her, she's on a million thoughts at once and it shows when you walk in her office, I'm like, Oh my God, right, you know, I don't know how people can function and clutter and it's interesting to understand that either I'm very much like you, like I always, you know, have to have everything in good working order and let go and not have too many things. And it also looks more beautiful when you keep a little more minimalist. It doesn't have to be so minimalist that there's nothing there, but you know what I mean? It just feels so much better.
So clutter, you know, and I, it's interesting, this is something new I learned this year or maybe it was last year. I found out that I had ADHD and I thought, I, I knew people that have had that and are a mess. Like their spaces were a mess and my doctor said, well, maybe I'm so much like this because I knew what to do to help myself.
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