From episode: Conversation with Simon Luthi - Applied Neuro-Cellular Therapy
I want to ask you because this is what you, you really do is the applied neuro-cellular therapy. So what is that and how is it different from some of the other modalities? Yeah, it's really the future of medicine, the way that I would, would look at it, right? So I go back to the last category that I mentioned, uh, clients that I have that come to me that it just doesn't work and I was dumbfounded by it and I had to separate my ego from it, like, we want people to get better, right? I mean, they're selling the same money and I want them to walk out and you know, I kind of felt guilty when someone would say, Oh man, like, you know, it was a great session with you. Enjoyed it very much, but I'm still not any better. And so I've been researching a little bit of like, what is really happening of course, so the subconscious mind can say, yeah, you know, I'm going to come see this guy who doesn't, if it doesn't work, it doesn't hurt or we'll give it a try, you know, this is not the other end. Um, so what I wanted to do is I wanted to figure out a way to separate the, um, um, the failure body really from, uh, from kind of the brain structure, right?
So the neuro path, their neurological pathways. Um, and because I, it was my theory that if I could separate kind of those pathways long enough that I could go deeper into either the physical body and, or some of the emotional things that would, uh, prevent this person from really getting, getting healthy. And if you think about, uh, you know, now drugs such as, or I shouldn't say drugs, the plant medicine, such as, uh, psilocybin that they, uh, having kind of a renaissance now, it does kind of that, you know, kind of inhibits some of those neurological pathways.
So specifically, uh, around the applied neuro cell therapy, um, I use a hypnagogic lamp that you have to kind of picture this as a device that emits, um, stroboscope and led lights, uh, and it's, and it penetrates your pineal gland. So that's like your third eye or behind your third eye. Um, and it activates all of your alpha, beta, theta, Delta waves in your brain. And it's, uh, for those of you familiar with Joe Dispensa, he had a, I think a seminar around the kaleidoscope and he had these big, beautiful kind of visions of his kaleidoscope and colors and things are changing. Um, and that's really what it does in your brain. So you're sitting or you're, you're laying on my table and you're going through kind of a 20 minute light, uh, therapy session where you're activating your own brain cells and your brain functions and your brain waves and something spectacular seems to happen afterwards. So it's, it's kind of around the 15 minutes to 20 minutes, um, time where you really go more in a trance state and you seem to be forgetting subconsciously again that you don't actually believe that this can help me and, and so I can then go in and go back with my, you know, regular train modalities.
Uh, so a lot of it is, you know, dealing with my hands or with crystals or other, uh, other things and the fascinating part that about 80 or 90 % of the people that, uh, I couldn't have better and, or well afterwards. Um, and I find this just absolutely fascinating, right? So that apparently our subconscious mind plays a role in probably everything, right? Even if you think about you, you go through a surgery and you tell yourself, well, they tell me four months recovery, oh, this is going to be horrible, or you go in like, Hey, I'm going to be better than two months. I'm going to be super, super positive and you know, work on my body, give myself time to heal. And, uh, I would say in most cases that, that, uh, you know, it's a manifestation that you can do practically. How do you go into any kind of procedure?
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